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FR 10 Must-Have Tools to Supercharge Your Social Media Presence

2 min read


Finding ways to boost conversions - getting more users to take a desired action - is essential for increasing your online business' revenue.

There are two main ways to get more conversions:
  1. Increase visitors' motivation to complete an action, which is typically done by refining your copy and testing new offers.
  2. Make it easier for them to convert by reducing friction, which is typically done by analyzing users' behavior to find friction points.

Many teams start by putting most of their efforts on the first category by refining their call-to-action buttons (CTs), adding pop-ups or live chat, and implementing other best practices that may or may not actually increase visitors' motivation. But if you have a working website or app, it's likely that your conversion rates (for both micro-conversions like newsletter signups and macro-conversions like product orders) are already being affected by user experience problems.

That's why the smart way to start getting more conversions is to focus on reducing friction by analyzing your users' current behavior. Instead of blindly following generic tips, analyzing users' behavior will help you find the friction points that are preventing them from converting. Once those are fixed, you can test and evaluate other ideas for increasing user motivation.

To help you out, this guide contains 19 proven tips for boosting conversions, split into two categories:
  • 12 tips for finding and fixing friction points
  • 7 tips for increasing visitors' motivation

Most of the ideas can be applied by almost any online business, but a few are tailored to e-commerce stores and SaaS apps.

In the end, we'll also discuss the importance of A/B testing for increasing conversions.

Before we dive in, a quick (but important) note about "good" conversion rates.

One of the most common questions on the topic of improving conversions is "What's a good conversion rate?"

While many industry reports talk about "average website conversion rates," these are likely irrelevant to your business.

Even in the same industry, websites have vastly different conversion rates due to factors like price, incentives to buy, page copy, marketing strategies, target audience, and more. For example, a good conversion rate for an e-commerce business that sells high-margin products and doesn't ever offer discounts might be horrible for another one that sells affordable products and constantly runs discount campaigns.

Plus, conversion rates aren't static. They fluctuate constantly as businesses try different conversion rate optimization (CRO) techniques and face various user experience problems.

That's why an "average" or "good" conversion rate for your industry (or even for your competitors' sites) is a poor way to set targets for your business. Instead, use your current conversions and conversion rates as benchmarks and try to improve them each month with the tips in this guide.

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